Thursday 5 July 2018

Reviewing my work

Making my blog ready for Assessment by my Peers

I finished my work

all of the media was produce by me

Health and Safety

The Health and safety
  • fire safety
if you hear the fire alarm you should stay seated and wait for a teacher to tell you what to do then follow their instructions 

  • first aid kit 
if your in need of medical help you will need to first get in touch with a member of staff
if you are in danger even if you just  cut your finger a little it still needs to be reported

Electrical Safe 
and don't have drinks near the computers

viruses are a bad thing they can mess up your computer
hackers can find out your details  get money info and other things so you need to make sure you know what your doing and put passwords finger print eye scanner some of these things can be hack easy so be care full  

Screen display act
Don't look at your computer for a long time its bad take a break
it can cause bad eye sight and might trigger epilepsy

copyright is used by the company to protect its property
this is a scam website and copyright by epic games

Animated Gifs

To get the gifs in your blog you need to make sure its a gif and then save it and make sure it has frames and assisted frame

this is how I made this first I got the image and put the face on then I slowly saved it each time I made the face slowly appear more and more 

Embedding Audio">Petscop Soundtrack by Rainer  to do this first I copyed the code and I got it from ban camp

Embedded Video

Get Back Into Bronze from OmgItsGalex on Vimeo.

this video is about us setting up a trypod

Digital Photography

I GOT ALL theses photos from a photo shoot we did

Reviewing my work